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- über das Schreiben und Veröffentlichen deiner Romane (egal, ob du gerade erst beginnst oder bereits fortgeschritten bist und egal, ob als Verlagsautor*in oder im Self Publishing),

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Ich liebe Bücher

Lehren und lernen energetisieren mich. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dein Wachstum zu sehen!

So kannst du vom Schreiben leben





Lerne, mit Rückschlägen umzugehen, produktiv zu sein, ohne auszubrennen, genug Zeit für dich einzuplanen und dein Leben Schritt für Schritt traumhaft zu machen.

Finde heraus, wer das Buch kaufen soll, wie du diese Menschen erreichst und was du ihnen sagen möchtest.



Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre helfen dir bei deinen Entscheidungen, z. B. im Bereich der Budgetplanung. Als Autor*in bist auch Unternehmer*in.

Lerne, wie du die Geschichten aus deinem Kopf bestmöglich zu Papier bringst, damit sie dort ihre Wirkung entfalten können.



Wenn du möchtest, helfe ich dir bei diesen Schritten.

Zu den Angeboten


Can you recommend a trusted videographer?

Can you recommend a trusted videographer?

Eget enim ornare condimentum nibh congue at pulvinar egestas vel. Rhoncus enim orci et platea. In aliquam lacus, ut nulla mattis. Turpis ipsum cursus morbi sem nulla dolor. Aenean scelerisque lectus amet, quis condimentum. Amet velit neque, blandit nunc facilisi sed. Molestie et posuere eget nulla enim facilisis aenean Eget enim ornare condimentum nibh

Eget enim ornare condimentum nibh congue at pulvinar egestas vel. Rhoncus enim orci et platea. In aliquam lacus, ut nulla mattis. Turpis ipsum cursus morbi sem nulla dolor. Aenean scelerisque lectus amet, quis condimentum. Amet velit neque, blandit nunc facilisi sed. Molestie et posuere eget nulla enim facilisis aenean Eget enim ornare condimentum nibh

Can you recommend a trusted videographer?

Can you recommend a trusted videographer?

Eget enim ornare condimentum nibh congue at pulvinar egestas vel. Rhoncus enim orci et platea. In aliquam lacus, ut nulla mattis. Turpis ipsum cursus morbi sem nulla dolor. Aenean scelerisque lectus amet, quis condimentum. Amet velit neque, blandit nunc facilisi sed. Molestie et posuere eget nulla enim facilisis aenean Eget enim ornare condimentum nibh

Eget enim ornare condimentum nibh congue at pulvinar egestas vel. Rhoncus enim orci et platea. In aliquam lacus, ut nulla mattis. Turpis ipsum cursus morbi sem nulla dolor. Aenean scelerisque lectus amet, quis condimentum. Amet velit neque, blandit nunc facilisi sed. Molestie et posuere eget nulla enim facilisis aenean Eget enim ornare condimentum nibh

Studio, Lifestyle & Commercial Photography

Donec sed odio dui. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipir.






Weddings shot this year in California

Weddings shot this year in California

Weddings shot this year in California

Weddings shot this year in California

Block Title

About forty years ago I was an instructor in the military academy at Woolwich. I was present in one of the sections when young Scoresby underwent his preliminary examination. I was touched to the quick with pity; for the rest of the class answered up brightly and handsomely, while he—why, dear me, he didn't know anything, so to speak. He was evidently good, and sweet, and lovable, and guileless; and so it was exceedingly painful to see him.

Michelle Black

Lifestyle Photoshoot

Michelle Black

About forty years ago I was an instructor in the military academy at Woolwich. I was present in one of the sections when young Scoresby underwent his preliminary examination. I was touched to the quick with pity; for the rest of the class answered up brightly and handsomely, while he—why, dear me, he didn't know anything, so to speak. He was evidently good, and sweet, and lovable, and guileless; and so it was exceedingly painful to see him.

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